
Character Seithmann
Guild none
Level 66
Strength 88
Intellect 292
ItemPoints 3478
Title No Name
JobType none
Job Kill/Death 0/0 KD:0 (0)
PVP Kill/Death 0/0 KD:0 (0)
SOX-Parts 0
LastLogout 2024-02-01 20:51


Pentacle Ornament (+250)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Twohand staff
Degree: 7 degrees

Mag. atk. pwr. 11471 ~ 11709 (+0%)
Durability 63/64 (+0%)
Attack rating 135 (+0%)
Critical 2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 239.7 % ~ 293 % (+0%)

Reqiure level 52

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Vulpecula Blessing Cap (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Head
Degree: 7 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 501.1 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 975 (+41%)
Durability 61/63 (+41%)
Parry rate 23 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 12.3 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 26.2 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 63

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Runa Himation (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Shoulder
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 420.1 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 838.1 (+41%)
Durability 136/141 (+41%)
Parry rate 28 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 10.5 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 22.4 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 65

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 5 Increase
Int 5 Increase
Steady (6 Time/times)
Durability 120% Increase
Parry rate 40% Increase
Luck (6 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Vulpecula Blessing Robe (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Chest
Degree: 7 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 670.8 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1338.5 (+41%)
Durability 61/64 (+41%)
Parry rate 31 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 16.5 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 35.2 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 65

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Runa Mitten (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Hands
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 390.4 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 754.1 (+41%)
Durability 135/141 (+41%)
Parry rate 25 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 9.6 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 20.4 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 64

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 5 Increase
Int 5 Increase
Steady (6 Time/times)
Durability 120% Increase
Parry rate 40% Increase
Luck (6 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Vulpecula Blessing Under Robe (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Legs
Degree: 7 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 531 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1059.5 (+41%)
Durability 61/64 (+41%)
Parry rate 25 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 13.2 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 28.2 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 64

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Runa Weave (+250)

Sort of item: Robe
Mounting part: Foot
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 503.3 (+41%)
Mag. def. pwr. 1004.2 (+41%)
Durability 138/141 (+41%)
Parry rate 31 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 12.3 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 26.2 % (+41%)

Reqiure level 66

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 5 Increase
Int 5 Increase
Steady (6 Time/times)
Durability 120% Increase
Parry rate 40% Increase
Luck (6 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Ruby Earring (+250)

Sort of item: Earring
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. absorption 79 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 79 (+41%)

Reqiure level 66

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Vulpecula Pearl Necklace (+250)

Sort of item: Necklace
Degree: 7 degrees

Phy. absorption 91 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 91 (+41%)

Reqiure level 64

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 5 Increase
Int 5 Increase
FrostHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
PosioningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Ruby Ring (+250)

Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. absorption 72.2 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 72.2 (+41%)

Reqiure level 64

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Virgo Ruby Ring (+250)

Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 8 degrees

Phy. absorption 72.2 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 72.2 (+41%)

Reqiure level 64

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Server Info

    • Players Online: 19 / 3000
    • Supporters Online: 0 / 0


  • Servertime: 12:13:34
  • CTF:
  • Medusa:
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  • Register: Everyday




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